Heavenly sleep Blankets for my babies - Personal project
As some of you know I have 2 kids on the autistic spectrum, they are lovely, funny and kind children. They both have sensory issues, they...

Let's Make it 2015 CAL
Hello! Hope you all had a good start of the New Year! I was busy with everything! And the project that kept me the busiest the last...

Baby Boy Twins Present!
I can finally show you the presents I made for my good friend, who just had baby boy twins! I will work out the pattern for the little...

Vote is in! Free Crochet Pattern
You have voted! Starry Starry Night is the free pattern! Wishing you all a great Christmas! And before the New Year is here, we have some...

Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays all you lovely people! As a gift I would like to give you a free pattern! Please vote below for your favourite pattern and...

Crochet Mood Blanket 2014 - December square by Pukado
A bit late, but it's the last month and November and December are crazy months!!! But here it is, the new and LAST!! square of 2014! I...

Happy Monday!
Hello lovelies, Thank you all for visiting this weekend! I hope you found all the coupon codes! After a busy week spend mostly behind the...

Happy Celebrations!!! Welcome to my new Website!!
Hello lovelies and thank you for visiting my website today! This weekend we have a big celebration for the public release of my new...

Another thing off the ToDo list!
Now that the website is done, I was thinking about the set up of my video tutorial filming. Downstairs at my desk, where I do most of my...

And we're live....
Woohoo! It is done! I have send the link of this website to a few people, who will read, browse and try everything. To give it a bit of a...