Heavenly sleep Blankets for my babies - Personal project
As some of you know I have 2 kids on the autistic spectrum, they are lovely, funny and kind children. They both have sensory issues, they are very tactile and love to feel weight on their body.
Some of you are on my instagram (@pukado) and have seen many photo's of my boy with the weirdest sleeping habits, sleeping in a tent or a boat, under the bed and with loads of stuffed toys. We looked at heavy blankets for them as they wake up easily and crawl into bed with us, most of the time it's not a problem, because they sleep straight away and do not wake us. But 4 in the bed is a bit crowded.
I have been looking at different heavy blankets and the prices range from 260 euros to 600 euros. Our sensory integration therapist told me, it was easier to crochet a big double blanket with heavy cotton (she doesn't know that I crochet!). This way I could save some money.
Yes, crochet a blanket.. a double side blanket.. for 2 children! I'm horrible in blankets! I couldn't even finish my mood blanket!
So I'm asking for your help. I'm looking for squares, 6" (15x15cm)or 12" squares made with heavy cotton (10ply), made with hook size 5mm.
Brand examples:
For one blanket - one side - I would need 80 6" squares
For 2 double sided blankets I would need 320 6" squares.
Who can help me make a square and send it to me?
Colours would be all different kind of greens, blues and turquoise for my girl (her favourite colour is green and blue) and for my boy all the colours of the rainbow (he loves all colours!)
I have started on a few already.
This one I made with Stonewashed XL, hook size 5mm and it's exactly 6x6" (15x15cm)

The pattern is
R1, MC, 12DC in MC, SLST to first DC to join
R2, CH2, 2DC in same space as CH2, CH2, 3DC in same space as CH2, *skip 3 DC, (3DC, CH2, 3DC) in between 3rd and 4th DC* repeat around, SLST to first DC
R3, SLST into first gap (in between 3dc clusters), CH2, 2DC in same space as CH2, (3DC, CH2, 3DC) in next CH2Space, *3DC in next gap, (3DC, CH2, 3DC) in next CH2Space) repeat around, SLST to first DC
R4, CH2, 2DC in same space as CH2, 3DC in next gap, (3DC, CH2, 3DC) in next CH2Space, *3DC in next 2 gaps, (3DC, CH2, 3DC) in next CH2Space) repeat around, SLST to first DC
R5, CH2, 2DC in same space as CH2, 3DC in next 2 gaps, (3DC, CH2, 3DC) in next CH2Space, *3DC in next 3 gaps, (3DC, CH2, 3DC) in next CH2Space) repeat around, SLST to first DC
R6, CH2, 2HDC in same space as CH2, 3HDC in next 3 gaps, (3HDC, CH2, 3HDC) in next CH2Space, *3HDC in next 4 gaps, (3HDC, CH2, 3HDC) in next CH2Space) repeat around, SLST to first HDC, fasten off and weave in ends.
It gives me 20 stitches per side.
I'm working on a red one now with Catania Grande.
If you would like to make a square, please contact me on pukkster@gmail.com or through the contact form here.