Hello! Welcome to my crochet site.
My name is Patricia and I live in the Netherlands with my husband and 2 children. A girl, 6 yrs old and a boy, 5 yrs old.
In 2012 we decided for me to stay at home and care for our kids. They are kids with a little bit extra. Both of my kids are on the autistic spectrum. They are the sweetest kids, funny, gentle, full of life and loving. My boy also has a severe speech and language disorder.
Why do I tell you this? This has nothing to do with crochet? Well, it is in my case. When I was 10 yrs old, I had to crochet in school and, oh man, did I hate that!! TG my mum was handy enough with yarn and hooks and needles so she helped me out many times.
Oh no, I didn't have a creative bone in my body. I had many, many, many ideas, but executing them was not my thing. But I was always willing to try!
My boy, with his autisme and his speech disorder, was crazy (CRAZY!!) about Angry Birds. He has all the stuffed toys, all the iPad games and lots of crazy T-shirts with angry birds all over them. But he wanted a hat. So I searched all the shops, the internet and the markets. But I couldn't find one, that was reasonably priced (with shipping, as most of the hats I found where overseas and the shipping was crazy). I stopped people in the street asking where they bought the hat they were wearing. And most of the time they told me some old lady made them and sold them on a market in the middle of nowhere. So I widened my search on the internet including DIY sites. And low and behold, I came across the Crochet Geek. She had a youtube tutorial on how to make an Angry Birds hat! Perfect! So I went to the shop, bought a shiny purple crochet hook. Didn't have a clue about sizes, but I liked the color! It was a 5 mm hook. I did have a bit of a brain to know that the yarn I needed with the hook, had to be thick enough to work well. So I went yarn shopping. I shopped based on color! I needed red, black, yellow and white! I came home with acrylic, wool and cotton. All the same thickness! I'm still laughing at myself and my inexperience, so you're allowed to laugh aswell!
I played, paused, crocheted, frogged, played, paused, crocheted, fitted, frogged, cursed, played, paused and finished the hat! Woohooo! The boy loved it!!! He wore it day and night! And then the requests came, can you make me an Angry Birds Piggy Hat? Can you make me a Bomb Angry Bird? Can you make me a spiderman hat? Then the girl joined in, mama, can you make me a little pony hat?
So that's how my addiction to crochet and yarn started. Now 2 years later I have over 60 designs in my shops and now working on my website and my own youtube channel.

About me
![]() Angry Birds | ![]() Pinkie Pie - My little Pony |
![]() Rarity - My Little Pony | ![]() Angry Birds Piggy |
![]() Spiderman | ![]() R2D2 Starwars |
![]() Kevin the Minion | ![]() Zombie |
![]() Turbo Snail | ![]() Smurf |
![]() Pikachu | ![]() Woodland Owl |