Crochet Mood Blanket 2014 - December square by Pukado
A bit late, but it's the last month and November and December are crazy months!!! But here it is, the new and LAST!! square of 2014!
I have no clue how many of you are making my squares, I have received lovely messages the whole year around about my squares and want to thank you all!
I would love to see more finished squares and blankets. Please share them with me here or on my facebook page!
The file will be soon available on Ravelry, but for now only here on my blog.
Again, for my mood blanket (that I don't really make anymore, I gave up after August, I'm a horrible blanket maker!) I used Stylecraft Special DK and hook size 4.5mm.
For the pictures I use Catania Cotton and hook size 3.5mm
If working in 1 colour, do not fasten off, just keep on going! If changing colours, fasten off with invisible join and weave in ends.
R1, MC, *DC3Cluster, CH1* all around, SLST to first DC3Cluster to join
DC3Cluster is a cluster of 3 Unfinished Double Crochet (UnfDC or HalfDC):
UnfDC - YO 1 time, insert hook in stitch, YO, pull through 2 loops, leave last loop on hook.
After 3 UnfDCs, YO and pull through all loops on hook.

R2, SLST in/into CH1Space, *TR5Cluster, CH5* in each CH1Space, SLST to first TR5Cluster to join
TR5Cluster is a cluster of 5 Unfinished Triple Crochet (UnfTR):
UnfTR - YO 2 times, insert hook in stitch, YO, pull through 2 loops, YO, pull through 2 loops, leave last loop on hook.
After the 5 UnfTRs, YO and pull through all loops on hook.

R3, *SLST around next post (at the top) of TR5Cluster, CH2, TR3Cluster around top of post DC3Cluster of R1, CH2* SLST to first SLST to join

R4, *3HDC, CH2* in each CH2Space of R3 and around CH5Space of R2

R5, SLST in/into CH2SPace, CH2, 2DC in same space, *6DC in next CH2Space, [6DC, CH2, 6DC] in next CH2Space, 6DC in next CH2Space* repeat 3 more times, 3DC into first CH2Space, SLST to first DC to join

R6, *CH3, SLST to top of next shell, CH3, SLST in corner CH2Space, CH3, SLST in cornerCH2Space, CH3, SLST to top of next shell, CH3, SLST to top of next shell, CH3, SLST to top of next shell* repeat 3 more times, SLST to first SLST to join

R7, SLST in/into CH3Space, 4HDC in each CH3Space, except [2HDC, CH2, 2HDC] in the cornerspaces, join to first HDC with invisible join
Weave in ends!

Copyright Patricia Stuart 2014 ©.
You are free to create from the pattern and sell the creations.
Please do not copy, rewrite, resell or distribute as your own, this is prohibited.
Please give credit to my page for the pattern and if you sell finished items online,
please provide a link to my page for the pattern.
Thank you for your understanding.