Happy Monday!
Hello lovelies,

Thank you all for visiting this weekend! I hope you found all the coupon codes!
After a busy week spend mostly behind the computer, I decided to spend the weekend with my kids and husband! We had fun, enjoyed the sunny weather on Sunday, build cardboard box robots, ate yummie food, had an apple pie lunch with my girl and watched loads of Christmas movies while eating Christmas cookies!
I love my babies, eventhough they have a manual the size of the library itself, they are the best, sweetest and funniest kids in the world.
This week I hopefully will be releasing my first video tutorial. It is a busy week as it's the last week of school before the holidays and that means a lot of baking and cooking for all the christmas lunches/dinners at school. But today and tomorrow will be dedicated to filming and editing.
I'm working hard on the project that will start on the 1st of Januari. So keep a close eye on the website and Pukado Facebook for more details coming soon! It will be fabulous!
I will post photo's later of some projects I'm working on!