I fell in love with the Gum Drop hat Kinga made from MyHobbyisCrochet! It's such a pretty stitch! I had to make one, just to try it out. And it's lovely and perfect for winter hats, because it's nice and thick.
I'm a loose crocheter and that gives me all kinds of trouble! My patterns are written with my crochet style in consideration. This means a lot of people have problems with gauge with my pattern, but also, it's giving me problems with other designer's patterns.
I found this great quote from Kim Guzman:
"Pattern=Guide, not Bible.
Remember, there is usually a method to the madness! What is perfectly clear to you as the crocheter may not translate to pattern writing. The pattern writer may have discovered a different method as well, but it simply didn’t work when writing the pattern, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t do it! Get creative! That pattern isn’t a bible! Use it as a guide and I think you’ll find that you are much happier with your finished project." Quote Kim Guzman
It's so true. If I get a pattern, I always work it the way it works for me best. I love and appreciate the work the designer has put in the pattern, but there's nothing better then discovering what more you can do with a pattern. A lot of patterns start with 12 stitches in a magic ring. For my style of crochet, 12 is too much. So I use 8 stitches as average. See where I´m going with this? I might need 3 increase rows to get where I have to be, but the pattern tells me to do 6 increase rows. You have to make it your own to work it.
This doesn't mean, because I made something completely different, it's my pattern now. No, it still is Kinga's design and pattern. You can't put a copyright on a stitch, but you should respect the work and creativity the designer has put in the pattern.
I think my hat turned out fabulous! But I don't have little baby girls anymore... So not sure what to do with it!